Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Black and White vs Color Nukoduke!

My friend on Discord sent me this black and white image from a manga and it was so cute that I had to color it. I really love cats and chibis and this combined them.

Here is the version that I colored in Photoshop. I really enjoyed taking an hour to color it.

Coloring Nukoduke

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

BMB Figure Evolution Cassy

So I've been redesigning the head figures for Button Mashin' Bitches and here is the kind of evolution of the figures for Cassy.

This  is the original figure designed by Cassy in 2014 for the channel.

Here is the 2nd one that I designed to bring them figures up to date to go with the newest addition of the Dragon. I never used this one, mainly because I felt the face was oddly shaped.

 Here is the newest one. We have yet to use it as we haven't recorded anything new in a while. I had Cassy send me a reference pic of her face. I made her hair bow look like Aladdin's hat.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Redesigning Sailor Moon Original and 70s

I wanted to  redesign Sailor Moon after watching a video by Lavender Towne on YouTube where she redesigned Sailor Moon to be from America and a few others. I decided to redesign Sailor Moon into a different time.
Here is the base/original design of Sailor Moon that I drew.

Here is Sailor Moon from the 70s. 

Drawing a 70s Sailor Moon

Rough wave Animation

A rough waving animation I made in Krita.

Vector do you have a lot of money

I've been having fun drawing and voice acting Tumblr...