Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Jasmine As a Pokemon Trainer

I finished Jasmine. I am super happy with how it looks. I had a friend help me make some small changes.
Here is her Pokemon list: Arcanine, Ninetails, Ho-Oh, Thundurus, Aipom, and Monferno.
It's not a complete list. I am still struggling with figuring out what other Pokemon should be in her team.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Pokemon Trainer Cinderella

I saw a video on YouTube tilted "If Disney Princesses were Pokemon Trainers" and I was inspired to draw them as such. I did Cinderella first.
I watched the video and it was mainly the person stating which Pokemon they would have. I didn't quite agree with his choices for their Pokemon teams. But Eh. I just wanted to make fun designs.
The team Roland and I came up with are: Dedenne, Swellow/Altaria, Jirachi, Chansey, Gourgeist, and Marill. The reason I wrote Swellow/Altaria is because we had some debate over which bird should be used. But we are leaning a bit more to Altaria. I picked them mostly based on looks and if they fit with the Cinderella I remember since it's been a while since I've watched the movie.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Sonic VDAY Fan Animation INK

Here is the ink version of the animation. Backgrounds are also present. I'm currently working on coloring, but the colors won't be finished by VDAY sadly.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Vector do you have a lot of money

I've been having fun drawing and voice acting Tumblr...