Monday, March 25, 2019

avatar sketch Cleovim

I feel like I haven't drawn Cleovim in so long. She was my very first OC. and I know I draw her at least once a year now. But I'm pleased to make an avatar of her.

avatar sketch Symphia

I'm wanting to make some new avatars for myself to use. I've decided to make some with my ocs. This one is Symphia.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Disney Princess Aurora as a Pokemon Trainer


Aurora was fun to draw, but the colors where a bit difficult to pick out. But I noticed one thing while looking at images of Aurora via Google Image search is that most official art work pieces don't show her ears. Also, according to a Disney wiki, Aurora has violet eyes. I thought they might be brown, my boyfriend said blue. But no. Disney wiki says violet, so her eyes are purple.
Aurora's Pokemon team: Jigglypuff, Bellosom, Snorlax, Cherrium, Tangrowth, and Musharma
I picked them based off of look and what I feel they represent, mainly nature and sleep.

Vector do you have a lot of money

I've been having fun drawing and voice acting Tumblr...