Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Disney Frozen Anna as a Pokemon Trainer

Anna was fun to draw, though a lot of designs/patterns. I had a lot of fun though.
Anna's Pokemon team is Eevee, Deerling, Dragonite, Castform (Sunny form), Spinda, and Wooper.
Here is the JPEG version of the image:

Pokemon Trainer Anna Line Art

Lots of patterns are going into Anna and Elsa's design.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

scales pattern

A scale pattern I made in Krita for some practice and so my bf can stop complaining about me killing my hand making patterns

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Disney Mulan as a Pokemon Trainer

I had a blast drawing Mulan as a Pokemon Trainer.
Her Pokemon team is Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Rayquaza, Machamp, Kommo-o, and Kartana.

Here is a version with Shading

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Going to bed Animation

An animation I made in Krita over the course of a few hours. I wanted to make some custom gifs I could use with friends. So I'm going to be uploading the gif onto Giphy.
I used my OC, Cleovim for this one.
Here is the Gif Version.

Disney's Vanellope Von Schweetz as a Pokemon Trainer

Vanellope Von Schweetz as a Pokemon trainer. I'm very happy with her design. Her team is Porygon (All 3 of them), Swirlix/Slurpuff, Vanilluxe, Togepi, Rotom, MissingNo, and Zebstrika.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Disney Tiana as a Pokemon Trainer

Tiana as a Pokemon Trainer. A lot of greens and yellow's were used.
Here Pokemon Team is Politoed, Yanma, Totodile, Jynx, Venusaur, and Mismagius.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Disney Ariel as a Pokemon Trainer

I am very pleased with how Ariel came out.
Ariel's Pokemon team is Pelipper, Vaporeon, Goldeen, Crawdaunt, Lantum, Primarina, Wishi Washi

Monday, April 1, 2019

Disney Snow White as a Pokemon Trainer

I had a blast drawing Snow White as a Pokemon trainer.
Snow's Pokemon team is Jumpluff, Starly, Oddish, Sunfora, Buneary, Flogres, Bounsweet, Steenee.

Vector do you have a lot of money

I've been having fun drawing and voice acting Tumblr...