Wednesday, May 29, 2019


I was going through my files and found this. I have some colors done, but I haven't finished them yet. So I'm going to tackle those today hopefully.

Sonia sketches

I forgot what Sonia's clothes looked like. I also wanted Amy too look like she was nodding off as Sonia was brushing her hair, but that didn't come across to me now that I'm looking at it.

Sketch Manic on an airboard

A few sketches from a few days ago.

Pocahontas Sketch

The base sketch of Pocahontas. mainly getting the pose down.  I'm still trying to nail down her clothes; like should she wear pants, shorts, or a dress. What should the shirt look like. Do I put her in shoes or do I leave her barefoot. Lots of things I'm considering right now.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Pappy Van Poodle Sketch

So I watched a video by Nick Robinson on YouTube about this cool character no one really knew about and I thought it was really cool. So I decided to draw a sketch of him and I colored it too.

Mermaid Sketch

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Disney Belle as a Pokemon Trainer

Belle as a Pokemon Trainer. Belle's Pokemon team is Magearna, Roselia, Roserade, Gardevior (MEGA), Rotom, and Chandelure.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Owl Coloring page

Here is a coloring page of an Owl. In both a PNG and JPEG free for you to use. Please share them with me if you color them.

sketch Belle

Sketch of Belle as a Pokemon Trainer

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Disney's Frozen Elsa as a Pokemon Trainer

I had a bunch of fun with Elsa. I even went and downloaded some Snow Flake brushes so i wouldn't have to draw the snowflakes by hand. Elsa's Pokemon Team is Glaceon, Froslass, Vulpix (Alolan form), Cryogonal, Aurorus, and Castform (Snowy)
Here is the jpeg version.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Coloring Page - Butterfly

I couldn't sleep so I made a Coloring page in Krita. Feel free to color it, all I ask is that you credit me and send the colored version to me for me to see.

Here is PNG:

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Sketch Rob and Shadow

A sketch of Shadow and Rob meeting for the first time based off of a scene in my fanfiction, Blind Date, that I've been working on recently. Prepare for more fanart.

Sketch Manic and Amy

sketch of Manic and Amy eating ice cream. I had fun Drawing it.

Sketch Sonic Sitting

Sonic sitting and looking up at what was supposed to be little big planet

Birthday Sketches

My birthday was Monday, May 6th, and I made some sketches. I drew mainly sleeping scenes.

Kaito X Len

I found this unfinished image on my computer and just wanted to post it here.

Vector do you have a lot of money

I've been having fun drawing and voice acting Tumblr...