Monday, April 20, 2020

Happy Birthday Jazza

I found out that today is Jazza's birthday. For those who don't know, Jazza is an artist on YouTube. He has lots of tutorials and funny art videos. He is the one who taught me how to use flash.
You can find is YouTube channel here:

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Mermaid Coloring Page

I really love mermaids.

Wip Mermaid

A rough sketch of a mermaid. The pose is based a lot on my memory of Disney's the Little Mermaid

Here is a rough ink. I'm thickening lines and going to add scales.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Possessed Hotaru Coloring Page

I drew this on my livestream for #HopeFromHome! I'm very pleased with out it came out. If you color it, please send it my way so I can see it.
If you would like info about #HopeFromHome, check it out here:
Every livestream I do until May 1st will have a donation link in the chat and description. So come by my Twitch or YouTube to join me.
Anyone who donates through my donation link will get a sketch of 1 character of their choice!
my donation link:
The link to my campaign page for it:

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Switch Comic Pg3

Every time I draw Blaze, I feel like I fail at drawing her. But look, I attempted some perspective on the floor.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Chibi Manic Coloring Page

Here is a coloring page of a somewhat chibi Manic the Hedgehog. I hope you all enjoy it.

Switch Comic Pg01

A random comic I scribbled in my sketchbook that I redrew in Krita.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Carmen Coloring Page

The deity of flowers doesn't mess around when someone messes with her garden y'all, she really doesn't.

Vector do you have a lot of money

I've been having fun drawing and voice acting Tumblr...