Monday, January 24, 2022



Sketches of a random character I was trying to get a feel for.
Random Sonic character sketches
These are sketches of some Sonic character based chao.

These are sketches I did on the way out to a date with my fiance. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Lucario as a Sonic Character


I finished this guy on livestream today. Say hello to Lucario as a Sonic Character. His shoes and gloves are based on Sir Aaron from the Pokemon Movie. Which was my first introduction to Lucario. 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Golden Girls Bird Animation - Betty White


I originally made this to celebrate Betty White's Birthday last year. I was very sad to hear that she passed on New Years. May she rest in peace with all her loved ones and enjoy her favorite food with them. 

Vector do you have a lot of money

I've been having fun drawing and voice acting Tumblr...